Bryan La Rue
Founder of VendingNation
It is our goal here at gumball Machine Warehouse to not only supply our customers with top of the line gumball machines and supplies, but to also provide the whole VendingNation with the information they need in order to feel 100% confident with how to work on those gumball machines we provide!
With that being said, below we will be teaching you how to turn a Rhino Supreme candy machine into a Rhino Supreme acorn toy machine. But before we get started we would like to give you some examples for the reasons why you would like to change the product real with inside of your gumball machines.
One of the number one reasons why you would change the product wheel with inside of your gumball machine would be so that you can vend a different type of product other than a gumball out of your gumball machine. I would like to break this scenario down into two different types of consumers that by gumball machines. One of those consumers are vending route operators. These consumers buy gumball machines to put them with inside of establishments in hopes to make money from them. The other type of consumer that purchases gumball machines would be for personal use. These customers but their gumball machines inside of their home or give them as gifts for holiday seasons or birthdays.
A vending route operator would like to change the product wheel with’inside of the gumball machine so that they can please the customer and make the most amount of sales. Let’s say a vending route operator is placing their gumball machine inside of a kid from Maison but the owner of the establishment does not want to gum with inside of their business. Therefore the vending route operator might want to change the product we are with inside of their gumball machine so that they can vend toy capsules.
A customer that wants to put the gumball machine with inside of their home or give it away as a gift would want to change the product we on with inside of the gumball machine because maybe a individual within their home likes peanut M&Ms more than they like gumballs. They might’ve ordered a gumball machine but might need to turn it into a candy machine. Therefore they need to change the product wheel with inside of their machine in order to Vend what they want.
Now that we have went over why you would want to change the product will with inside of your gumball machine let’s learn how to do it! Please follow the steps below in order to get this achieved.
1. Remove lock
2. Remove Lid
3. Unscrew the bolts that hold the globe to the hopper
4. Remove globe
5. Unscrew the bolts that keep the brush plate over the gumball wheel
6. Remove brush plate
7. Remove product wheel
8. Place gumball wheel (with out the riser)
10. Place gumball brush plate on top of hopper (springs covering product chute)
11. Screw the brush plate into the hopper
12. Screw the globe back on
13. Place lid on top
14. Lock machine
There you go! You now know how to successfully turn a Rhino Supreme candy machine into a Rhino Supreme toy machine.